
Who are we addressing to?

The candidate’s profile is very important to us. It must prove:

  • curiosity and creativity in formulating new and challenging research questions;
  • a genuine interest in strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation;
  • the passion to explore new processes and phenomena and to examine them in depth; inclination towards research that can positively transform managerial practice.

Candidates can be young researchers who have recently graduated from master’s programs or practitioners with diverse experience (entrepreneurs, managers, trainers, R&D specialists, consultants, etc.) eager to look at the dynamics of organizations and the business environment from a different angle.

What we offer you

The courses offered to PhD students in Management are oriented towards current trends and challenges, both in research and in practice:

  • Management and innovation strategies and processes – course holder: prof. Univ. Dr. habil. Florina Pînzaru
  • Qualitative and quantitative methods in research in economics – course holder: prof. Univ. Dr. habil. Elena-Mădălina Vătămănescu
  • Advanced topics of strategic management – course holder: prof. Univ. Dr. Constantin Brătianu
  • Research ethics and academic integrity – course holder: prof. Univ. Dr. habil. Elena-Mădălina Vătămănescu


PhD students are presented with the opportunity to carry out research activities and publish in the specialized centers of the Faculty of Management within SNSPA:

  • Management Research Center (CCM) – led by prof. Univ. Dr. Mădălina Vătămănescu. CCM aims at topical management topics translated into high-quality conceptual and empirical analyzes, promoted through internationally renowned scientific publications and conferences, and through the organization of thematic academic events.
  • Center for the Study of Responsible Organizations (COSR) – led by Assoc. Dr. Alexandra Zbuchea. COSR aims to promote sustainable management practices by connecting academia with sustainable organizations, by understanding consumers and citizens, and by encouraging responsible behavior on their part.
  • Leadership and Innovation Center (CLI) – led by Dr. Ioana Petrescu. CLI’s mission is to contribute to the development and promotion of quality leadership, both in the private and public spheres, by raising society’s awareness of the importance of leadership and innovation.

Topics of interest

The three PhD supervisors are submitting new topics to stimulate the analytical thinking and critical spirit of PhD students, to revisit the real research issues, their pragmatic implications and future scenarios with a high level of objectivity.

[See list of coordinators and proposed topics]