PhD Program

Steps and requirements

First year

Participation in courses organized by SNSPA Doctoral School. Each PhD student can choose from a list of courses, provided by the doctoral bureau. Courses are optional, with students being able to choose the number of courses they wish to take, without taking into account the scope of the doctoral course. Each course will have 10 credits (ECTS) to be obtained following an evaluation.

Presentation of the research plan – at the end of the first year (September session), each student will present in front of the doctoral advisory committee a research plan (see template, pdf / word variant).

Second and third years

For the Political Science, Administrative Science, Communication Science and Sociology areas:

  • Submission of three research reports. The reports will highlight the course of doctoral research and should be reflected in the programming carried out under the research program presented in the first year of studies. In order to complete this phase, the student must obtain for each report at least the “sufficient"/"satisfactory" rating.
  • Participation in at least two academic conferences, where the results of doctoral research in the chosen domain will be presented. At the end of the traineeship there will be evidence of attendance at the doctoral bureau (degrees from conference organizers; program of events);
  • Publishing at least two articles in magazines indexed to international databases (BIS) or that at least two chapters of books in volumes published at a category A1 (internationally prestigious publishing houses) or A2 (publishing houses of recognized standing), The annexs to the order of the Minister of Education No 5.110/2018 concerning the approval of minimum standards for the award of a doctor’s title; the recognized international databases (BDI) are: ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, CEOL, Ulrich, ERIH, Copernicus Index, CSA, GESIS, IBSS, SAGE, OVID, ECOLIT, PSYCHLITE, PubMEd, Elsevier, Sprgerlink, Persee, DOAJ, Jstor, SSRN, REPEC, Invinformation, project Muse and HEIN Online.


  • Submission of three research reports. The reports will highlight the course of doctoral research and should be reflected in the programming carried out under the research program presented in the first year of studies. In order to complete this phase, the student must obtain for each report at least the “sufficient"/"satisfactory" rating.
  • Publication of at least three articles in scientific journals indexed to at least three international databases or listed Web of Science, of which in one Article the PhD is the sole author, first author or correspondent author;
  • The presentation of at least three scientific papers at relevant international conferences, as evidenced by the program of the conference.

At the end of the traineeship, the doctoral candidate must obtain the advice of the mentoring commission, following prior support (pre-support) of the doctoral thesis. After obtaining this opinion, the doctoral student will be scheduled for public support of the thesis.

The completion of the doctoral training corresponds to 180 transferable credits according to the European credit transfer and accumulation System (ECTS/SECT) Regulation, approved by Senate Decision No 72/30.09.2020.